Espressione Zine

An Aesthetic Bruabba fan zine


General Guidelines
-You are required to have min. 5 pieces of work for portfolio (page/merch artist)
-Contributors retain the rights to their works and may redistribute them a week after zine release
-Contributors are prohibited from sharing WIPs during the process, except for contributor previews.
-All work will be SFW
-All pieces of work submitted must be original. No traced or copied work.
-No previous zine experience is required. As long as contributors can produce color piece and confident they can finish their piece they will be considered.
-All contributors are required to have Discord as it is will be our main mode of communication.
-You have to be civil to everyone in the server.
-Breaking the rules will result in disqualification.

Apply Here


Q: What is a zine?
A zine refers to a collection of unofficial, fanmade works. In this case they will be compiled into PDF.

Q: What is the theme of this zine?
This zine will be focused on featuring aesthetics. Each artist will pick an aesthetic to make illustration of.

Q: Is the zine for profit or charity?
The zine is free to all and will be shared through gumroad. This project is simply a love letter to bruabba.

Q: Will this be physical, digital, or both?
The zine will be digital only in the form of PDF.

Q: What is the rating of the zine?
Espressione is a SFW zine.

Q: Can I apply for more than one position?
Yes! You can be both page artist and stickers artist.

Q: Can minors apply?
Yes! The zine is open to applicants from age 15 and up.


This zine has 3 mods;

Lead and Social Media


Organizer and Graphic Design


March 5
applications open

March 15
applications close

March 18
acceptance emails sent

May 31
final submissions

June 4
finished zine released

Page Artist

We accept any level of skill but we will still pick the ones who look like they can fill the requirements.

Judging Criteria
-Anatomy, composition, use of colors.
-Creativity and originality

-A visual portfolio of 5 of your best pieces of work. All pieces must be completed. The portfolio must be easily accessible.
-Provide 3 samples of your best work
-Depictions Bruno and Leone are preferable, but not required.
-Traditional art is allowed, given that you'll be able to provide a high quality scan at 300dpi

-Create one (1) full illustration in color
-Ability to meet deadlines in a timely manner

Apply Here

Stickers Artist

Judging Criteria
-Style, use of colors
-Creativity and originality

-A visual portfolio of 5 of your best pieces of work. All pieces must be completed. The portfolio must be easily accessible.
-Depictions of Bruno or/and Leone are preferable, but not required
-Traditional art is allowed, given that you'll be able to provide a high quality scan at 300dpi

-Create several types of assigned stickers
-Ability to meet deadlines in a timely manner

Apply Here